my services

my services

Arno Gerken Consulting renders advice on a very exclusive basis capitalizing on over 30 years of consulting experience across different industries and a multitude of topics. A categorization covers four key areas but stretches in select cases also beyond.

General Consulting

Based on the experience of having served in multiple industries (e.g. banking, insurance, chemicals, Oil&Gas, power) a broad range of topics can be covered in the form of senior management counselling. Examples of areas are:

  • Strategy
  • Organizational design
  • Culture improvements
  • Sales improvements
  • Capital markets and equity story

CEO Onboarding & Coaching

Especially for newly incoming CEOs independent  and unbiased feedback can be helfpul. Having supported many CEO onboardings to structure and develop key elements of the agenda allows to add important experience.

Key items often are:

  • Definition of business (development) agenda
  • (Changes to) Management setup and team
  • Cultural development and change
  • Organization of CEOs own office
  • Optimization of own time spent
  • Deep dive on agenda for first 100 days

Risik Management

Whilst risks may be quite industry and even company specific some learnings based on a multitude of respective engagements can be leveraged. Key but not conclusive elements a client may wish to address are

  • Identification of key risks and development of a respective taxonomy
  • Quantification / modelling of risks
  • Clarification of ownership and improved risk management processes
  • Definition of risk appetite
  • Addressing regulatory & compliance challenges
  • Assessing implications on balance sheet resilience and capital posture

Project Management

Most project management offices (PMO) are internally staffed. However, in several cases the project leadership is less experienced to structure and lead the project. The consulting approach for PMO leaders is based on leading a multitude of projects and the respective experience.

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